
Hana Bleue Chaussette


BA Political Science, Duke University

Postgraduate courses, Corcoran School of Art

BFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago

Postgraduate studies, Osaka University of Arts

Studied Meisner with Monica Payne

Playwrighting at Chicago Dramatists

Co-founder of Atelier 54 Chicago

Exhibitions in Chicago and Japan

Radio and television director, writer, host, China, Chicago

Artist in Residence, Lillstreet Art Center, Chicago

A.I.R. Residency, Auzits, France

Visual art can have its own etymology just like any language, but for Chaussette, her work is meant to be read and understood, but also “felt.”

Hana Bleue Chaussette’s career reflects the life of an outsider, an expat who has lived and worked in both in Asia and Europe. Influenced by written Japanese and Chinese languages, her work is also dominated by the use of multiple images and text as building blocks of meaning.

Visual art can also have its own etymology just like any language, but for Chaussette, her work is meant to be read and understood, but also “felt.” For this reason, archival objects or objet trouve, memory and storytelling are among the tools she wields to relate observations about the world around her. In recent years, she has also taken on the mission to bring attention to the effects of the Digital Age that increasingly isolates, even alienates us from each other. 

Chaussette received a scholarship at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and studied in the UK,  Duke University and Osaka University of Arts in Japan. She is a founder of Atelier 54 Chicago with four other women artists from France and Mexico.

Her years in radio and television are the foundation for the work she is doing today especially “Unsung Heroes: Art of People on the Streets IN the Streets,” on exhibit in JCDecaux bus shelters the summer of 2024 in Chicago and indefinitely online.