Unsung Heroes of Uptown:

Exhibit in-focus

“Art of People ON the Streets IN the Streets”


Recommended Routes


UPTOWN (lower)

Marine Drive & Buena
4200 North Marine Dr

Clarendon & Buena
4200 N Clarendon

Clarendon & Buena
4159 N Clarendon

Marine Drive & Cullom
4250 N Marine Dr

Marine Drive & Irving Park
4001 N Marine Drive

UPTOWN (Upper)

Marine & Gunnison
4840 North Marine Dr

Sheridan & Argyle
4952 North Sheridan

Sheridan & Lawrence
4807 North Sheridan Rd

Marine Drive & Margate
4930 North Marine Drive

Marine Drive & Ainslie
4900 North Marine Drive


Clark & Chestnut
834 North Clark Street

LaSalle & Hubbard
400 N. LaSalle

State & Lake
200 N State Street

Clark & Randolph
118 N Clark

State & Randolph
147 North State Street

What this Series is really about…

This project is dedicated to everyone I have ever had the privilege of talking to on the street, on the bus, the train, in the supermarket line…

“Unsung Heroes Of Uptown: Art of People ON the Streets IN the Streets,” intends to encourage everyone to savor the same pleasure by connecting to our fellow voyagers on this trip through life. Taking the time, even for a moment, to meet each other, expands not only our individual worlds, but deepens our sense of compassion and connection to the world we all share. It makes us better people and reminds us—we are not alone—that  we are all remarkable, even inspiring. Legendary Studs Terkel believed this and so do I. And we have never needed empathy more than today…

Not since creating the award-winning television documentary, “Apple Pie & Chopsticks: Sketches of a Woman in Modern China,” which aired worldwide, this capsule collection exhibition of my ongoing series, “Unsung Heroes,” is one of the most revelatory experiences of my life. Nothing can be more captivating and yet more elusive—-what is a portrait and how to capture the “essence” of a person? Who are we? Are we who we think we are? Or how others see us? Or combination of both? Bringing the art gallery to the street is the perfect venue. It was also fun to have the opportunity to play with the concept of advertising.

Chicago Tribune

“her work is stunning, colorful…”

After Hours
with Rick Kogan

“Inspired by Studs Terkel, She’s asking questions & getting to the heart of people behind the facade.”

connect with hana

If you want to join the mailing list, set up an appointment for an interview during the exhibition in a Studs Terkel bus stop (May 6 -Aug 6) or explore a commission, see below.