"Apple Pie & Chopsticks”

Sketches of a Woman in Modern China, excerpts of a CNN interview

This is an excerpt from a CNN interview about "Apple Pie & Chopsticks: Sketches of a Woman in Modern China." It was conceived as a sketchbook about four major women because any documentary about as vast and complicated a subject as China is a mere semblance, or sketch revealing the artist's "hand." Produced by Fujian Television, it was written and directed by Hana Bleue Chaussette, the first foreign full-time reporter hired by FJTV and one of only a few foreigners working at a Chinese television stations in China in the '90s. It is based on her life as an American turned Chinese Daughter-in-law Number Two, a rare insider's view. Hana Bleue Chaussette used the metaphor of women to give foreign audiences a glimpse of the real life of the Chinese in the 1990s. A Chinese edition of "Apple Pie & Chopsticks" eventually aired worldwide on CCTV in 1995. (Please note the resolution was compromised when it was transferred between several formats and finally into digital.)

Chinese Stories: Anja

a documentary

German photographer and writer, Anja Henningsmeyer and Hana Bleue Chaussette, writer and director at Fujian Television, collaborate on a short award-winning film based on her book, CHINESE STORIES and inspired by the rapidly changing city of southern Chinese city of in the late '90s. It is equally a story of a "woman in the landscape": the story of the photographer herself as well as about the artistic friendship between the two women from opposite sides of the world. "Chinese Stories was aired on Fujian Television, the People's Republic of China. It should be noted that the resolution was compromised when it was transferred from the original videotape to digital. Some parts of the narration are left in the original German.


During work with China Star Television, Chicago, Hana Bleue Chaussette interviews Asian superstars: Jackie Chan, David Henry Hwang and Lang Lang.

Eyes on the World

or "Da Shi Ye," China's Premier Talk Show

This is an excerpt of a series of six talk shows for Fujian Television, People's Republic of China. The aim of the series I wrote, directed and co-hosted was to create an in-depth and compassionate understanding about the western world. Each show's topic was chosen after I conducted focus groups with the viewers, a first for a Chinese television station in the '90s. This series had an estimated audience reach of 120 million viewers. (In Mandarin and English)